Tuesday 10 November 2015

10th – Gentle ascent to Chame (Bagarchap (2160m) – (Chame (2710m))

We got up and did the usual morning routine and before 0800 we left the teahouse and started the day’s walk to Chame, 17km away.

The beginning was nice and flat but after only half an hour we started a steep ascent – an ascent that covered most of the altitude gain of the day’s walk. Reaching the top around 1030 we had a tea break where we had a clear view of Manaslu (8156m). Continuing we had lunch an hour’s walk later, still having a great view of the surroundings.

After lunch we had an easy 2 hour walk until reaching our destination in Chame. A few mountain bikers raced by and we still encountered the occasional car. It is clearly getting colder, especially when in the shade, but as long as we keep moving it’s entirely manageable. The cold breeze is getting more and more insisting, though.

I had expected the trek to be more like the Everest Base Camp trek than it is. The infrastructure is much more developed than it is going to EBC (it is after all impossible to get cars by plane to Lukla) and we have been passing through quite a few more villages than there, too. This trek doesn’t feel quite as remote as a result.

Plenty of these bridges on our way.

View of Manaslu.

Up we go!

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