Wednesday 11 November 2015

11th – Continuous ascension (Chame (2710m) – Lower Pisang (3250m))

The day started the same time as usual. I spent most of the night slipping in and out of sleep. When I finally checked the time it was 0500 and there was no more sleep had worth mentioning. Despite the lack of quality sleep today felt fine and I didn’t feel any more than the usual tiredness. Coming out we had a great view of the nearby mountains in the morning light.

We didn’t spend much time in the shade before coming out into the sun for the rest of the walk. The cold breeze was also limited now as it isn’t being channeled the same way as the past days so walking was pleasant – even more so than before. We had a tea break at an apple orchard, lunch break a bit later and arrived at our destination in Lower Pisang in the early afternoon. We stayed the night at a very pink teahouse/hotel.

After a short rest we walked up to Upper Pisang (3310m); spent an hour on the walk where we also got to see a newly built – but not completed – monastery. It is to replace the old due to it reaching an amount of disrepair where it isn’t feasible trying to get it back to past’s glory. Everything is paid by local donations, whether it’s resources, money or 54 days of work you donate.

Morning view.

Leaving Chame.

Yes. The teahouse was pink.

Local kid.

Looking down at Lower Pisang from Upper Pisang.

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