Saturday 21 November 2015

21st – Monkey business (Ghorepani (2870m) – Poon Hill (3200m) – Birethanti (1025m))

We woke up at 0500 for a quick getting dressed and a cup of tea before leaving half an hour later to get to the top of Poon Hill to see the sunrise and surrounding mountains. The 400m climb was done in 35(!) minutes. While still arriving 20-25 minutes before the actual sunrise (around 0630) the view was still worthwhile. As it got brighter a window of app. 5-10 minutes came and went where the mountains got a nice red glow. It was quite beautiful and worth the walk. The top, while large and open, ended up being crowded from the masses that had arrived for the sunrise. Walked back down to pack and have breakfast at the teahouse and we left the place at around 0900 to get to Birethanti, a 7-ish hour walk down.

Almost from the beginning we were walking through forest. I was walking behind the front of the group (4 + assistant guide) and we suddenly saw a group of monkeys playing around on the path. Before I had time to react and getting hold of my camera the rest rushed ahead shouting “Monkey! Monkey!”, effectively scaring them away- Loving wildlife photography this bothered me – probably more than it should have. Also blaring music from their phones I got the impression that people cared more about getting down than actually enjoying the environment. In an attempt to cold down from this disappointment I held back and continued walking by myself enjoying the silence of the forest. Coming out into the open after two hours of walking we had a short tea break and feeling I had cooled down enough I joined the front group again. We continued steeply down steps almost all the way and around 1300 we had lunch. The break was longer than usual, mainly due to the kitchen’s speed (or rather lack of it), and afterwards we kept going and arrived in Birenthanti at around 1615.

As usual we got our rooms and this time all rooms had own toilet and shower. And the showers had hot water. VERY hot water. Score!

Tomorrow we will have a short ½ hour walk and an app. 2 hours’ drive before arriving in Pokhara before lunch where we will say goodbye to our porters and assistant guide. The day will otherwise be a rest day before driving for 7 hours back to Kathmandu the day after. It’s probably a good thing there is no more “real” walking left as we in the group have a few worn knees and ankles. People being worried and surprised by the 7 hour walk today surprises me; it seems people are surprised that walking in the Himalayas doesn’t require the occasional long day.

Sunrise from Poon Hill.

The mountain range seen from Poon hill during sunrise.

Walking through the nice and quiet forest.

Tea break.

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