Sunday 15 November 2015

15th – Almost there (Yak Kharka (4050m) – Thorang Phedi (4450m))

Today was not much different than yesterday. We left a bit before 0800 and around 1200 we arrived at our destination at around 4450m, the last stop before crossing Thorong La pass.

After lunch we had a small walk up 100m to prepare for tomorrow and coming back the rest of the day was relaxation and mental preparation.

My oxygen saturation the last couple of days has been between 92-98% - it has now dropped to 85%. Things are getting real. It also feels like I need to drink more, and while I am trying I am not too worried, just a bit (memories from Aconcagua are gnawing at me even if I know it won’t be as bad here).

We will have breakfast at 0400 and leave half an hour later. It might be cold and dark but we will be avoiding the wind that usually doesn’t manifest itself until midday or afternoon. But we need to ascend 1000m and then descend almost 1600m so no matter how favorable the weather turns out it will still be a very long day.

It also helps that our guide, Muskie, told us that around this time and December last year app. 80 people died at and around the pass due to lower-than-usual temps and snow storms.

Frozen waterfall.

We can't have the trip be completely safe!

Small walk up from Thorang Phedi.

Enjoying the view.

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