Friday 20 November 2015

20th – Being on point (Sikha (1935m) – Ghorepani (2870m))

Morning as usual; breakfast at 0730 and departure within an hour later. Today’s plan was to ascend app 900m to Ghorepani and a lot of the time was spent walking through forest so the sun wasn’t as bad as the previous days. But as the day had been estimated to 4 hours there was a certain steepness involved. My surprise was therefore big when realizing that the walk had only taken us 3 hours when arriving.

Lunch was had and room keys were handed out and with nothing else really planned our guide grabbed a couple of bows and arrows and took us to a shooting range minutes away. Having done archery quite a few years in the past it would be fun returning for a short moment to the discipline. The material was of quite a different level than the stuff I once used so getting used to it was half the trouble. The second half was not remembering the techniques. People did seem to appreciate the tips I had to handle the equipment so some good did seem to come from it.

Coming back to the teahouse we were given lessons in how to make mo-mos. While they did end up tasting as they should it was a perfect example of a situation to apply the saying “Don’t judge on the looks”.

Our assistant guide had his birthday today so we (the group) got together to get him a cake. He (all locals, really) don’t really celebrate birthday so when he saw the cake with the candle he was visibly very happy and touched. He said he had never been given such attention on his birthday so overall it was a great success.

The views from today were often spiced with the presence of Dhaulagiri.

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