Monday 9 November 2015

9th – Trekking and hot showers (Syange (1120m) – Bagarchap (2160m))

For the second night in a row I woke up at 0300 and couldn’t really fall asleep again. It was a very long morning, but some extra sleep must have been had as I did get woken up by the alarm at 0630.

Breakfast was consumed and around 0730 we loaded the cars again and drove for an hour to Jagat where we unmounted and started what we came for; walking.

Most of the time walking was spent in a valley which meant that if the sun was not at just the right angle we were walking in the shade. This was at times – especially towards the end of the day – cooled by a breeze channeled down between the two valley sides. Temperature wise things were fine; in the sun it got hot and the shade was not bad at all. It was obviously cooler but never really was a problem as we were constantly moving. The breeze was cold, though, and as soon as you stopped you could easily feel the temperature drop significantly.

We arrived at our destination in Bagarchap around 7,5 hours after departure from Jagat. It was a good day, albeit feeling a bit long being the first day of actual trekking. I would have preferred one a bit shorter for the first day to warm up with, but at the end of the day it felt quite good. The place we’re staying at has hot showers (and they hadn’t run out of hot water when it was my turn!) and real flushable toilets. Luxury!

Tomorrow we will start again at 0630/0700/0730 and ascend app. 550m over a distance of 17 km to Chame. Chame is the main town/city in the region so it will likely be larger than the other villages and towns we have been passing through today.

Walking up through the valley today it was at times possible to see Annapurna II in the distance. Tomorrow will be 45 minutes relaxing walk followed by 45 minutes 500m ascent. From where we end up we will be able to get a better view of Annapurna II, and looking back at where we started a view of Manaslu should also be possible.

Small lizard scurrying away.

The eyebrow'ed dog.

The start to amazing views!

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