Friday 13 November 2015

13th – Rest day (Manang (3540m))

One thing to say is that a rest day in the mountains is rarely a day where you get to rest. “Rest day” is short for “we’re staying here an extra day/night so let’s do an acclimatization walk today”.

So the day started as usual, apart from having to pack everything, with leaving the teahouse around 0800 and ascended 400m to Praken Gompa (a gompa is a Buddhist place – or fortification – of learning) at around 3900m. As opposed to every other morning until now we had sun from the start. The ascent was steep so we quickly got warmed up. With 3 small stops on the way we reached the Gompa at 1000. The weather was amazing and the view of the surrounding mountains even more so. With the sun up and not a cloud we really enjoyed the stay at the gompa for around 45 minutes before descending and returning to Manang around 1130.

We visited the local hospital (which is basically a couple of houses with medical staff) to have a presentation on the dangers of altitude and altitude sickness. Nothing I didn’t know, but always interesting being informed that a simple trek in worse case can kill you. Fun!

When we had lunch quite a few of us had yak steaks. While meat is generally not advised due to being transported over long distances without necessary refrigeration, the yak meat in this case is local and almost as fresh as can be. The meat was good; tender and taste like beef.

Afternoon was spent on showering, playing cards, having a walk in town and generally just trying to kill time until dinner.

After dinner some of us went out and tried to photograph the stars. As usual, when high up and without light pollution, we had a great view. We stayed for maybe half an hour before we retreated back into the teahouse.

This happens when you leave your shirt out to dry during the night. It was crunchy.

View from Praken Gompa.

Night shot of the entry portal to Manang.

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