Monday 23 November 2015

23rd – Return to Kathmandu (Pokhara (820m) – Kathmandu (1400m))

We left Pokhara at 0830-ish with a short comment from our guide informing us that he got word from the assistant guide and porters thanking us once again for our company.

The drive was quite long – 7-7½ hours – but there was plenty of room in the bus this time se we could relax. We ended up having lunch at the place where we had breakfast on the way out. We received the food within 10-15 minutes and they even apologized for the wait – this was by far the shortest we ever had to wait for the our food on the trip!

Arriving at our hotel in Kathmandu we had a couple of hours before meeting for dinner. This was spent on showering (Woo! Hot water!), repacking everything, wifi and nothing.

The restaurant was minutes’ walk away and upon entering I immediately got the feeling that we were underdressed. The place was fancy – Kilroy’s in Kathmandu – the chef had cooked for several equally fancy people and the food was lived up to the expectations set when entering.

Having had an amazing dinner we returned to the hotel, said our goodbyes to our guide and my roommate as he will be leaving before 0600 tomorrow morning. Some of us went to find a place to have a quick drink but at around 2200 everything seems to close so we ended up with just a short walk before returning to the hotel instead.

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