Wednesday 18 November 2015

18th – The hot tub (Ghasa (2010m) – Tatopani (1200m))

We had a late start with breakfast at 0730. This meant more than 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep which was very welcome. We departed an hour later and walked around 5 hours to get to Tatopani. The start was effortless and nice, but when the sun came out from behind the surrounding mountains it got very hot. The last part was though because of the heat, the walk itself wasn’t too bad.

Close to the end we bumped into what were probably the two most confused goats I have ever seen. They were walking around bleating at everything and nothing, seeming to be looking for something. They ended up following us until reaching Tatopani, stopping when we were stopping and standing close bleating, continuing when we were continuing, all while looking very confused. One of the weirder things I have seen.

At around 1330 we arrived at the hotel and had our lunch.

In the afternoon we went to the nearby hot spring. There were two pools; a warm/hot one and a hot/”oh shit it’s lava” one. We ended up staying a couple of hours in the less warm pool before returning for dinner. The altitude combined with the heat and not drinking enough during the surprisingly hot day made several of us quite lightheaded sitting submerged in the water. The very hot water was hard to get into; the body reacted the same way as if it was similarly cold. Strange experience.

That's spiderwebs in the bush.

Another lizard.

Soaking in the cold (less crazy hot) tub.

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