Saturday 14 November 2015

14th – Off the road (Manang (3540m) – Yak Kharka (4050m))

The morning started as usual (what a surprise!) and we were soon on our way again, starting with going through town. It was obvious the first half was primarily there for tourists as in the second half the buildings were more packed together and felt more run down. We soon left the town behind us baking in the sun and continued for 4-4½ hours before arriving in Yak Kharka at 4050m. During the walk we got to see several herds of yak and blue sheep. Having done the acclimatization walk yesterday today felt comfortably easy. The constant sun hitting down on us did take its toll.

After leaving Manang we soon also left the road we had been following until this point. Now that we are only following a walking path with no cars or bikes and only horses makes the trip suddenly much more appreciable. Coming higher up out of the valleys the views got that much better, so everything is improving.

In Yak Kharka we had lunch and shortly after we had a short walk further up – following the same route which we will be taking tomorrow – for an hour or so. From the point where we turned around we were able to see Annapurna II (7937m), IV (7525m), Gangapurna (7455m) and Annapurna III (7555m).

It’s amazing seeing buildings on the trail as most of them are built from rocks and/or bricks, as opposed to the houses on the EBC trek which were mostly made from wood. I approve; while it’s less of the simple charm you got from the simple wooden houses, we have less draft and are generally warmer. And here they burn wood and not dried yak dung when going above the tree line.

Blue sheep.

Annapurna II, IV, Gangapurna and Annapurna III. The middle point is part of Gangapurna.

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