Sunday 8 November 2015

8th – Going on a trek driving (Kathmandu (1400m) – Syange (1120m))

As planned we started at 0530 when we packed the bus and left Kathmandu in a cloud of dust and pollution. After a couple of hours drive – around 0700 – we stopped for breakfast.

Mid-day at 1200-ish we reached our destination for the bus and unloaded. After lunch we packed all our stuff onto two four wheel drives and stuffed 11 people in an on each (14 tourists, 1 guide, 1 guide assistant and 7 porters – and 2 drivers). Luckily I ended up in the car where two porters sat on the roof instead, giving the rest of us a bit extra room. Having them staying on the roof and not falling off was quite impressive considering the conditions of the road the following 2½ hours. The roads were probably some of the bumpiest roads I have ever experienced.

On arrival we were supposed to walk for another hour or so but our guide decided that we would stay at the teahouse here tonight. We spent an hour walking up looking at a waterfall nearby before returning and relaxing the rest of the day. They even have free Wi-Fi!

During briefing tonight we were given a map of the area with tours drawn on making it easier for us to see the context of where we are going. The plan tomorrow is to get up at 0630, breakfast at 0700, leave at 0730 with a 1-hour drive to Jagat (the originally planned place to stay the night) and walk app. 7 hours to Bagarchap. It will be nice to get some walking done, especially after that bumpy ride.

A single room here costs 200 NRP and one with bath/toilet 500 NRP. Their menu contains items that are priced somewhere between those two. 1 USD is app. 100 NRP. It will obviously get more expensive later one, but still…

The view from the waterfall. The teahouse is just below the photo in the middle.

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