Tuesday 6 October 2009

6th - Arrival photos

For now I'll put photos up here, but I need to find a better solution at some point. Therefore it will only be limited how many I will upload.

The opera house in all its glory with the bridge in the background.

The opera house from a slightly different angle and with many more clouds...

The end wall of the small building next to the actual concert building containing a restaurant. It can be seen in the first two photos furthest to the left.

Saw this sign in several spots around in the city. What the hell?

My hotel room until next Tuesday. No room for claustrophobia! I have a small bathroom too, it's as long as the room in the photo is wide, and almost as wide.

1 comment:

  1. Room is not bad at all :) i though u r used to tiny living space anyway ;)
