Saturday 24 October 2009

24th - The Olympics

I took a walk in Melbourne today to get a look of the near surroundings (I took a short walk yesterday after arriving to get a loose impression of the center of the city). I went south along the Yarra river which has a row club (or more in the one building) which meant that there was pretty intense traffic on the river with 2-8 (+pilot) person rowboats, including their trainers biking along the pathways parallel with the river giving orders in their intercoms. It was actually a little entertaining to look at.

At the point on the river where several chose to turn around and go back.

Following the river it brought me down through the botanic garden, and going through this I came down to Albert Park Lake & Reserve. It is a park with a lake used by a sailing club, so you could see several small boats sailing along in the water. Also quite a lot of birds, especially black swans. To my surprise they were far from as territorial as the swans we have at home; they pet you come close when walking around (less than a meter) without giving a care, even if they have kids (swanlings?) from this year.

Going back I came through the Olympic park with all the arenas and stadiums. Looking at them I thought of all those people who wanted the Olympics to Denmark. Not one of the stadiums where smaller than Parken in Copenhagen, some significantly larger, and there are 5-7 of them. And the Olympics have not gotten smaller since 1956 when Melbourne had it. You guys are fucking naive if you think we will have the space, resources and infrastructure to hold such an event.

The gold winners at the Olympics in '56. Denmark is represented! Sweden is too, but they don't really matter....

I continued on and I came by the city’s IMAX cinema. I expect to go in to watch The Dark Knight there tomorrow. That’s going to be cool…

I think he took the wrong turn somewhere... But he came sailing by in the early evening

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