Tuesday 6 October 2009

6th - Arrival

Finally arrived to Sydney after 22 hours flight. The flight itself wasn’t as bad as I had feared; Video on demand helps a lot. Ended up watching 5 movies on the trip, so entertainment wasn’t lacking. Ironically, the 20000 km by plane where much easier than the 1 km I had to walk from the central station to the hotel. From now on I am going to get a big backpack if I suspect I am going to walk with my luggage. Everything else is suicide.

I couldn’t get to check in when I arrived at the hotel all sweaty (that was because of the carrying the bag – not the weather. The weather hasn’t really lived up to the expectations, and I can see large amounts of thunderclouds on their way), so I left again (with less of a load) and walked down to the Botanic Garden. I might as well show myself as all other tourists and begin raping the Opera House with my camera. And the bridge. And the opera house again. And so on and so forth.

I spent frightening much time on walking around near Darling Harbor and Sydney Cove (where the opera house is on one side and the bridge is on the other), trying to familiarize myself with the areas. By accident I came by the IMAX theatre, and because I felt pretty smashed from the plane trip and the walking I went to see a show. They didn’t have any movies, so I saw something about dinosaurs. The screen was massive (they claim it’s the largest there is), the 3d ok, the seats where narrow but acceptable, but the show boring. I wouldn’t have minded seeing a movie in there, but alas; not this time. Based on that experience I can only grade it as a “meh”.

Came back to the hotel, checked in, and realized several things; my room is out towards a busy street, the electrical plugs are not the same as those in the converter I brought which I was told could be used in Australia, internet is paid by the hour (well, ½, 1, 12 or 24 hour) with a download limit and I have a small room but a large bed. Yay! And breakfast is included in the price! Woo!

The hotel is located in an area of the city called Chippendale. I have no idea is it has any connection to a certain male group. I don’t think so, though, as I haven’t seen any indications of the kind while I’ll been here. On the other hand – there’s still a week until I leave, so there’s plenty of time for similarities to appear. Be afraid, be very afraid

Oh, crap. Rain. Where did that come from?! Ah, thunder. Awesome.

All in all it has been nice. A little stressful thinking of all the stuff that needs to be checked out before I leave, but it is a pleasant city. Huge, though. Spent so much time walking, but looking at a map of the entire city I noticed I had only covered a fraction. Depressing.

I will hopefully soon put up some photos, I just need to figure out how I do it the easiest way.


  1. Hej Jakob!

    Skønt at høre fra dig og at din rejse Down Under er gået godt indtil videre! Det bliver super at følge dig på din blog og jeg glæder mig til at se billeder. Nyd rejsen og pas godt på dig selv!

    Kh Kristina

  2. That wasn't too smart to take suitcase instead of a backpack :) tsk tsk
    Afaik, Sydney is huge cause it's so spread through the vast territory, not cause it's that populated.

    any kangaroos around? :)


  3. Zhenya;
    Yeah, I did consider buying a backpack, but didn't for several reasons; I had spent plenty of money on a new camera and this netbook so my economy wouldn't really be able to support such an extra expense. Also, I didn't expect my bag getting so heavy considering it's almost only containing clothes and it's only a soft bag (and not a hard case), so the weight shouldn't have been so high. Ah, the naivety.
