Monday 26 October 2009

26th - The waddlers

I picked up my car for the next couple of days this morning. I had made a reservation for a compact (the smallest car they had with an automatic transmission). Something had apparently gone wrong during the transmission from my computer to their system, as they had logged it as a car in the group above the Camry. And not only that –they upgraded me to the group above that for free, as I then would have the GPS unit implemented. Dimensions are more or less the same as the last car, but it’s filled with lovely small features; keyless, GPS unit much better than the previous, better engine and transmission, a small rear camera that get’s activated when reversing – parking the monster just got much easier… Too bad I’m not going to use it much more.

Went a little east before going south down to Phillip Island. I went to the koala conservation center to see their koalas in the open (but still within fences). I think I am getting overloaded with those teddy bears, as I don’t as fascinated by them anymore. Now they almost need to do the tango in front of me to get my attention. It would actually be quite cool if they did that…

I ended the day at the penguin parade; seeing hundreds of Little Penguins come up from the ocean at dusk to get back to their burrows on land was actually quite fun. Small penguins not taller than 30 cm waddle across land and trying to get past the rocks and stones on the beach as fast as possible was more entertaining than expected. Too bad it was chilly and windy as hell. I knew they were small (the world’s smallest penguin race) but they looked even smaller when they waddled past the boardwalk we were standing on just next to their path. We weren't allowed to photograph at the event so no documentation, unfortunately.

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