Wednesday 14 October 2009

14th - Forster care

First of all; a photo of my car, a Toyota Camry Altise. Nice red color (which now is a little more dusty) and nice and comfortable. Its size might be difficult to see in the photo. It might not be big compared to other cars on the road, but when sitting in it (and especially when trying to park it) you really feel the size (considering I'm used to drive a Renault Megane the few times I actually drive). And the engine is massive (which seldom is used for a “normal” car in DK due to all the taxes and fees) with a very responsive speeder. It’s awesome, with some need to get used to.

Leaving Newcastle I went to Singleton to get a little into the land. From there I went to Forster where I am now. In between I took all those small roads that also took me past several vineyards. The weather was actually quite nice – as long as I stayed in my car, as it was extremely windy. There isn’t much more to say – I spent much of the day on driving around in the landscape, enjoying the views. Doesn’t really give much to tell on a blog. It’s limited how many times I can write “ooooh, it’s beautiful” without it getting redundant.

I saw NSW’s tallest tree! Ooh! It was fairly tall, but not as much as expected. A platform was placed so that the people coming by could get a decent look – improved by the fact that there had been made a clearing so that the entire trunk was visible. It required a 5km drive on a dusty forest gravel road, and from when I entered the road to I left it again I didn’t see a single other human being.

I need to get used to the great size of Australia. I don’t feel I get far on the map(s) even though I have spent hours on driving. But I assume that that is something that (hopefully) will change within the near future.

Forster is a nice place. There isn’t much to look at here; it’s mainly residential areas with large roads (think American suburbs and you get the idea how most of Forster is). There are a lot of hotels and motels around, but that makes sense as it’s a very nice place. A couple of restaurants spread out, but not much more than that. Walking around by the water I saw a group of pelicans on the opposite bank.

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