Tuesday 13 October 2009

13th - Feuer! (Saturday)

I wandered around in Sydney to found a new pair of shoes. After a lot of searching I finally found a pair I could live with. Spent way too much time on doing that. Also, I found a Telstra prepaid SIM card. Ready to put it in my phone I opened the pack, but realized that I needed to activate the subscription online. And the hotel net is down. Hurray? So I went to Sydney’s customer information and borrowed their net. I needed to enter my address (but why? The woman at Woolworths where I bought the card already entered my home address), but it refused my Danish address (which wasn’t a problem at Woolworths). So I entered my hotel’s address, but that failed too no matter how I entered it. And suddenly it said the registration had been locked due to too many failed attempts to activation. So the only way to do so is to call them… “Activate your phone by calling us”. Huh? I refuse to use my Danish number to call them, that’ll be expensive. So I ended up sending them a mail telling them of my opinion. I have no idea how they’ll react until I get access to some working internet.

After that I took a walk in the eastern Sydney and I came by King’s Cross. Nearby there was a plaza where the trees and light posts were dressed. I didn’t figure out why they were dressed, but it was quite funny-looking. Weird.

I ended up for dinner at a restaurant called Sienna Marina. Nice restaurant, good food and some cute waitresses – especially mine. Damn. The waitresses were worth the visit, but the food wasn’t disappointing, either. Maybe to the slight expensive side, but that was understandable. The restaurant is highly recommended – and not only because of my waitress. It’s located by the bay in Woolloomooloo. Yes, there’s an area/suburb in Sydney called Woolloomooloo, and it doesn’t even get caught by the spell check. Isn’t that awesome?

On my way home from dinner tonight I was thinking of the fact that while I have been in Sydney, I have seen more fire trucks on their way to jobs than police cars. Guess what hotel there where two fire trucks parked at? Yup – I stood outside together with the other guests looking up at the hotel, but after a couple of minutes we were allowed inside again. A little excitement is always nice, but then again, it can be overdone…

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