Wednesday 7 October 2009

7th - Sydney's Aquarium and Wild Life World

Vegemite tastes awful. It’s basically a paste created from whatever’s left of the yeast when brewing bear. It smells just as bad, which should have been a fair warning. And the taste stays with you. And it was just a very small amount on a corner of a toast… I was even told about it before I left for Australia. But you probably then ask “But Jakob, you who are so clever, intelligent, handsome and whom we look so much up to, why did you try it when you knew it is crap?” I’d say that everything should be tested, even though I have been warned. Can’t have an opinion about something I haven’t tested yet. Let us just say I got a little smarter today.

Oh, well.

Went to Sydney’s aquarium in the morning. If it hadn’t been because of the aforementioned platypuses (platypi?) it would had been like many other aquariums. They had two pipes to walk around in through two different aquariums; one with sharks, and one with two dugongs. They were pretty nice, but it seemed a little overrated.

The two dugongs feeding on the salad thrown down to them with regular intervals.

Afterwards I ended up in Sydney Wild Life World just next door. That wasn’t part of the plan, but their focus on the Australian wildlife sounded interesting. There were interesting snakes, insects, lizards and other interesting venomous animals. And koalas, two groups of them. I think the first group I saw consisted of something else considering they were running up and down their trees and constantly bustling around. The second group were just sitting still, sleeping and looking around. Much more koala-like.

A very koala-like koala. Just as we know them.

The weather wasn’t as good as expected, so I picked up a new EU-AUS electrical plug converter before I went back to the hotel and got some more clothes before going to dinner. Morning looked nice and inviting, but it got colder and windier before it began raining later afternoon so it didn’t really invite for a walk around town. I’m looking forward to the heat. Where is it?

Weird seing such colorful birds in the open in freedom and not just in a zoo.

1 comment:

  1. Hej Jakob,

    Godt at høre at du er vel ankommet down under. Hmmm ja, vejret er jo lidt svært at gøre noget ved, men det bliver sikkert bedre skal du se. Der er ihvertfald større sandsynlighed for at du får det varmere end her i DK - her bliver det bare koldere og mørkere :-(
    Og sikke nogle flotte billeder - glæder mig til at se flere - og jeg er stadig kun LIDT misundelig, men det ved du jo....
    Ha' en fortsat fantastisk tur.


    ps. Her er så stille - ingen der driller :-)
