Saturday 17 October 2009

17th - Koala patrol to the rescue! (Friday)

I started off by taking a walk in Port Macquarie; seeing the city in daylight as an excuse for getting a new EU -AU plug converter. Let’s see how long it’ll take until that disappears, too…

When leaving the town I went by a koala hospital; any wounded koala that shows up in the area ends up here to be mended and sent back out. It was pretty impressive how much they can do for the animals; they have apparently had several of them being survivors from bush fires with 3rd degree burns all over their bodies (and some with their eyelids melted together due to the heat), but most of them have been able to recover fully within half a year and sent back out into the wild. I was pretty impressed to be honest.

I drove almost directly towards Coffs Harbour (where I am now), with a stop at Crescent Head, a small coast town halfway. A small town based on its tourism; there where houses to let and a lot of camping space available.

Coffs Harbour is quite a nice small city; I can with a certain confidence say that it’s the largest city between Sydney and Brisbane. Makes sense, because if you choose to drive directly between the two cities, Coffs Harbour is the natural place to choose to spend the night as it is right in between the two places. Nothing much else to say – considering spending a couple of hours tomorrow here before I move on.

No internet tonight either – apparently something has crapped it up here too. But otherwise nice motel; large room, large bed, nice sofa, nice TV. What else to wish for?

First day with great weather the entire time! Woo!

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