Tuesday 13 October 2009

13th - Balls! (Sunday)

I took Sydney’s west side today. A good walk around ended me back in Darling Harbour. After lunch I walked around a little and ended up in the middle of a market at the Rocks. A lot of weird tourist stuff, but maybe it’s just because I am a tourist but it wasn’t as crappy as such tourist stuff usually is. Oh, well – nothing bought; I’ll have plenty of chances in the near future.

Because a rabbit's foot is so last year...

I went up in Sydney Tower – the highest accessible place in the city. Nice view, got an alternate look at the city.

I had dinner at an Indian (Indian as “Hello, this is customer support”, not “Bless Manitou for the bison!”) restaurant at Circular Quay. Really nice food, actually better than expected – it was not simple tourist food, but actually genuine quality. And not because of their waitresses – not this time. He was small, happy and chubby, and a helper (his son?) was tall and skinny. No girls this time. Damnit. Not that they could have been as cute as my waitress yesterday, but they could at least have tried…

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