Tuesday 13 October 2009

13th - Sydney by night (Thursday)

Today I went to Taronga Zoo, but it wasn’t what I had expected. Of cause, you won’t see a tourist brochure saying “this zoo is kinda average, nothing special, but come and see anyway!”, but I had hoped for more considering how positive various sources had been about it.

It wasn’t until I came back from the zoo the day’s real fun started; I went on a tour in the Opera House which was actually quite interesting. Curse the international copyrighting laws from not letting us take photos of the theater halls, but there wasn’t much to do about that.

After that I went for dinner at a place called “Pancakes on The Rocks”. Most of the dishes the restaurant serves has something to do with pancakes, and it’s located in an area near Circular Quay called The Rocks (hence the name, it’s not because you get ice cubes together with your pancakes). It wasn’t bad at all – I’m seriously considering going there again before I leave the city. After that my hunt went out to get photos of the opera house in the dark. A few of the photos can be seen below. When taking into consideration I don’t have a tripod I’m pretty impressed with the photos. But see for yourselves and let me know what you think.

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