Tuesday 13 October 2009

13th - LPO unplugged (Friday)

Rain. Rain never changes.

It’s been pissing with rain most of the day today. Combine that with shoes that aren’t waterproof (a few too many holes…) and the result is not impressive.

I went to the fish market today and it was actually quite interesting. It was fun walking around looking at the booths with loads of fresh fish. I ended up having an early lunch; a Lobster Platter. Half a lobster covered in mornay sauce, two oysters with bacon (cooked together), two oysters with mornay sauce (the shells were filled with mornay and cooked. Think about how little space the actual oyster takes up in the shell, and mornay was used to top off the shells), 4 huge prawns, plenty of small octopuses, octopus rings and chips. Plenty of food for two, so I didn’t have much problem eating most of it myself. But what was up with all that mornay sauce?!

When I left it had begun raining. I went back to the hotel to get some dry clothes and ready for the evening when I was going to the concert at the Opera House with London Philharmonic Orchestra. Of cause the internet didn’t work yet.

The concert was actually quite good. I don’t know much about classical music, but I was entertained in the entire process.

Not bad, not bad at all.

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